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Automatic Reboots

Configuring Automatic Reboots with Cron

To be able to use automatic reboots with this Server the following environment variables have to be set to true:


If docker restart is not set to policy always or unless-stopped then the server will shutdown and will need to be manually restarted.

The example docker run command and docker compose file in the Quicksetup already use the needed policy

VariableInfoDefault ValuesAllowed Values
AUTO_REBOOT_CRON_EXPRESSIONSetting affects frequency of automatic updates.0 0 * * *Needs a Cron-Expression - See Configuring Automatic Backups with Cron
AUTO_REBOOT_ENABLEDEnables automatic rebootsfalsetrue/false
AUTO_REBOOT_WARN_MINUTESHow long to wait to reboot the server, after the player were informed.5!0
AUTO_REBOOT_EVEN_IF_PLAYERS_ONLINERestart the Server even if there are players online.falsetrue/false

This image uses Supercronic for crons see supercronic or Crontab Generator.

Set AUTO_REBOOT_CRON_EXPRESSION to change the set the schedule, default is everynight at midnight according to the timezone set with TZ