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Serverinstellingen wijzigen met behulp van omgevingsvariabelen.


Je kunt de volgende waarden gebruiken om de instellingen van de server bij het opstarten te wijzigen. Het wordt sterk aanbevolen om de volgende omgevingswaarden in te stellen voordat je de server start:

  • PORT
  • PUID
  • PGID
VariableInfoDefault ValuesAllowed Values
TZTimezone used for time stamping backup serverUTCSee TZ Identifiers
PLAYERS*Max amount of players that are able to join the server161-32
PORT*UDP port that the server will expose82111024-65535
PUID*The uid of the user the server should run as1000!0
PGID*The gid of the group the server should run as1000!0
MULTITHREADING**Improves performance in multi-threaded CPU environments. It is effective up to a maximum of about 4 threads, and allocating more than this number of threads does not make much sense.falsetrue/false
COMMUNITYWhether or not the server shows up in the community server browser (USE WITH SERVER_PASSWORD)falsetrue/false
PUBLIC_IPYou can manually specify the global IP address of the network on which the server running. If not specified, it will be detected automatically. If it does not work well, try manual configuration.x.x.x.x
PUBLIC_PORTYou can manually specify the port number of the network on which the server running. If not specified, it will be detected automatically. If it does not work well, try manual configuration.1024-65535
SERVER_NAMEA name for your server"string"
SERVER_DESCRIPTIONYour server Description"string"
SERVER_PASSWORDSecure your community server with a password"string"
ADMIN_PASSWORDSecure administration access in the server with a password"string"
UPDATE_ON_BOOT**Update/Install the server when the docker container starts (THIS HAS TO BE ENABLED THE FIRST TIME YOU RUN THE CONTAINER)truetrue/false
RCON_ENABLED***Enable RCON for the Palworld servertruetrue/false
RCON_PORTRCON port to connect to255751024-65535
QUERY_PORTQuery port used to communicate with Steam servers270151024-65535
BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSIONSetting affects frequency of automatic backups.0 0 * * *Needs a Cron-Expression - See Configuring Automatic Backups with Cron
BACKUP_ENABLEDEnables automatic backupstruetrue/false
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPSDelete backups after a certain number of daysfalsetrue/false
OLD_BACKUP_DAYSHow many days to keep backups30any positive integer
AUTO_UPDATE_CRON_EXPRESSIONSetting affects frequency of automatic updates.0 * * * *Needs a Cron-Expression - See Configuring Automatic Updates with Cron
AUTO_UPDATE_ENABLEDEnables automatic updatesfalsetrue/false
AUTO_UPDATE_WARN_MINUTESHow long to wait to update the server, after the player were informed.30!0
AUTO_REBOOT_CRON_EXPRESSIONSetting affects frequency of automatic updates.0 0 * * *Needs a Cron-Expression - See Configuring Automatic Reboots with Cron
AUTO_REBOOT_ENABLEDEnables automatic rebootsfalsetrue/false
AUTO_REBOOT_WARN_MINUTESHow long to wait to reboot the server, after the player were informed.5!0
AUTO_REBOOT_EVEN_IF_PLAYERS_ONLINERestart the Server even if there are players online.falsetrue/false
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URLDiscord webhook url found after creating a webhook on a discord server<webhook_id>
DISCORD_CONNECT_TIMEOUTDiscord command initial connection timeout30!0
DISCORD_MAX_TIMEOUTDiscord total hook timeout30!0
DISCORD_PRE_UPDATE_BOOT_MESSAGEDiscord message sent when server begins updatingServer is updating..."string"
DISCORD_POST_UPDATE_BOOT_MESSAGEDiscord message sent when server completes updatingServer update complete!"string"
DISCORD_PRE_START_MESSAGEDiscord message sent when server begins to startServer is started!"string"
DISCORD_PRE_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGEDiscord message sent when server begins to shutdownServer is shutting down..."string"
DISCORD_POST_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGEDiscord message sent when server has stoppedServer is stopped!"string"

*Het is ten zeerste aanbevolen om in te stellen.

**Zorg ervoor dat je weet wat je doet wanneer je deze optie inschakelt.

***Vereist voor docker stop om de server op te slaan en op een correcte manier af te sluiten.

Game Ports

De server heeft standaard de volgende poorten nodig.

8211Game Port (UDP)
27015Query Port (UDP)
25575RCON Port (TCP)